Hush Money is the first Isabella/Tan Miniature French Bulldog in the World. Hush is 18lbs and Isabella/tan in color. This Isabella stud does not lack anything! Bone, Head, and Type are impeccable. His phenotype is of the highest quality compared to any French Bulldog of any color. Hush is will be the most influential Miniature French Bulldog Stud of our lifetime and a foundation to the Frenchie Doodle breed. He is poised to produce many "Hush Puppies". Hush Money is open for public service.

Tommy is a 3lb teacup poodle and a foundation stud to our Frenchie Doodle Program. He has produced several offspring that we plan to build from for the future of the Frenchie Doodle breed.

Jeffrey Jam is a 4lb. Red Teacup Poodle dualed registered with AKC & Designer Kennel Club (Doodle Breeds). He has an amazing personality. His form is perfect. He was imported from Taiwan with famous toy poodle lines. If you wish to use Jeffrey Jam for your Doodle breeds, your puppies can now be registered with Designer Kennel Club.

Kevin Barcon is a first generation Frenchie Doodle that will play a big role in our Frenchie Doodle program.. We can't wait to see his future productions with our magnificent females! He is not open for public stud at this time.

Uncle Luke the First Hypoallergenic Isabella Merle Fluffy French Bulldog in the World is currently 3 months old and 5 lbs in weight. He will mature to 15-20 lbs. His personality is playful and outgoing. Head is impressive with a nice stop at the muzzle. His eye sets are perfectly shaped and Luke will have piercing yellow eyes. His feet are tight and his movement effortless. Ears alert and rounded at the top. Nares open and he exhibits a deep chest cavity. Uncle Luke is exemplifies many generations of Texas Brand Blood, which include infamous French Bulldogs such as Lilac Gravy, Mikimoto, and Hush Money. Uncle Luke was produced by Trill Line Bullies & Don Chino.